Hello people of the planet Earth, this web site will try to show you some
of the insane and barbaric Policys that Governments around the world impose on the peoples of there country In the name of
God and Goodwill.
I will be bringing you stories from a vast selection of newspapers from around the world, as well as other news sources
(i.e.: the internet, underground sources, and whistle blowers, etc).
Some of the stories will shock you and provoke you. But the main purpose is to get you to THINK about how can these
atrocities possibly happen in the 21st Century, and more importantly, how can we stop them.
Their is a saying that People learn from there Mistakes and theirs a saying that History Repeats it self. And Im saying,
People must learn from their mistakes and NEVER let History Repeat.
So I ask all of you who stop by at this web site to read a story or two, and THINK. Think why this is happening, and
what you can do to make this world a better place for the Human Race.
Thank you.